Channel: Jen The Body Painter
Category: Entertainment
Tags: body artprankbody paintgirl with no clothessocial expirementyogabodypaintinstagramworkoutpublic reactsfitnesshot yogamodelbody paint prankfunnyjen the body painter
Description: We body painted our talented model Ali and took her to the city to perform Yoga wearing nothing but body paint! We were able to prank almost everyone and the reactions are hilarious! Would you do yoga wearing no clothes in public? - Thanks for watching! Send us a Like and Subscribe if you enjoy our content COMMENT NEW PAINT IDEAS YOU WANT TO SEE :) If you like what we do and want to see more exclusive content, sign up to Business Inquiries: FOLLOW US (please): Instagram: @JenTheBodyPainter FOLLOW OUR MODEL: (@freckled_yogi) Jen Seidel - @jenseidelartist Brandon - @brandonwalsh Cory - @corywolberg Nick - @nickzhurav Kennedy - @kennedyclairewalsh