Channel: Red Bard
Category: Gaming
Tags: fata morgana requiemredbardiscoolmedieval gamesfata morgana reviewnovectaclevisual novel reviewthe house in fata morgana cosplayfata morgana requiem for innocencefata morgana cosplaythe house in fata morgana a requiem for innocencerequiem for innocencered bardthe house in fata morgana reviewthe house in fata morganawhat is the house in fata morgana0% off on steamhouse in fata morganafata morganamorgana cosplaymangagamer
Description: ►DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! --- ►Liked the video? LEAVE ME A TIP ON KO-FI: --- Where you can buy The House in Fata Morgana: Steam: MangaGamer (physical copies): --- So how's the audio? Better, right? Well it shoud be since I FINALLY upgraded my mic!! :D Someone once pointed out to me that my 10 second review of The House in Fata Morgana was the only Fata Morgana review on YouTube. They pointed out what a shame that was since Fata Morgana is such a wonderful game, it deserves to have at least one legit review on here, right? Well, clearly I agree. I'm not very confident about my solo reviews, but by God, I put that aside long enough to work on this. Enjoy! --- Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Insta: