Channel: Nina Uncensored
Category: Entertainment
Tags: why you should not be afraid of the dentistvisiting the dentisthow a dentist fills a cavitynina uncensoredif zombies went to the dentisti have teeth painmy tooth hurtsinvisaligndentistthe bentistbraceslife with ninaa day in the life of a dentistdoctor ninadoctori dont like the dentistdental digesthow to get white teethhow to avoid bad breatha childs visit to the dentisthow to avoid getting cavitiesdental emergenciesnina gray
Description: Dr. Nina here, and welcome back to my channel! In todays Dental vlog, I show you a day in the life of dental emergencies. I bring you into a day in the life of a dentist and show you some emergency cases I see. Here is a playlist of more dental videos: I love you more than you could ever know. xoxo Nina Follow me on socials: Instagram: Vlog channel: Tiktok: @ ninagray business inquiries: #Dentist #NinaGray