Channel: Firebase
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: firebase release notes septembermodular web sdkanalytics predictive audienceshow to use modular sdkpr_pr: firebasev9frank van puffelenseries: firebase release notespurpose: educatemodular sdk for javascriptgooglegds: yesfirebase release notesjavascriptmin instance cloud functionstype: dev newsfirebase library supportwhat is modular sdkad revenuefirestore audit loggingmodular sdkcloud functions
Description: Welcome to the September 2021 edition of Firebase Release Notes with Frank van Puffelen. In this video, Puf discusses Modular SDK for JavaScript, Firebase library support by Apple platform, Firestore audit logging, enhanced audiences for targeting, balancing your in-app purchase revenue with ad revenue, and more! Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:10 - JavaScript SDK v9: up to 80% less Firebase in your app bundle 0:43 - Apple platform support matrix in docs 1:14 - Set min-instances to reduce cold starts of Cloud Functions 1:58 - Whodunit: Audit logs for Firestore 2:31 - Target Cloud Messaging and A/B Testing with predictive audiences 2:58 - Specify data types for parameters in Remote Config 3:32 - Outro Resources: Modular SDK for JavaScript → Upgrade from version 8 to the modular Web SDK → Firebase library support by Apple platform → Control scaling behavior of Cloud Functions → Firestore audit logging → Audit logging → Enhanced audiences for targeting → Balancing your in-app purchase revenue with ad revenue → Watch more Firebase Release Notes → Subscribe to Firebase → #FirebaseReleaseNotes fullname: Frank van Puffelen;