Channel: Learn How To Dance
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: trendingown brand freestyle tiktok dancetiktok 2021tiktok dancemadison but i'm calling her maddietiktok december 2021bao tranpopular tiktok danceown brand freestyle tiktok tutorialown brand freestyle tiktok dance tutorialown brand freestyle dance tutoriali ain't never been with a baddie tutorialdance tutorialtik toktiktokown brand freestyle tiktoklearn how to dancetiktok dance tutorialstep by step tutorialown brand freestyle dance
Description: The EASIEST TikTok dance tutorial you'll ever come across šI love this TikTok dance and song called "Own Brand Freestyle" by Dreya Mac! It's the one that goes šµ"I ain't ever been with a baddie, she calm so I add her to the tally, Madison, but I'm calling her Maddie ..." šµ Check out her stuff: Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:13 Preview 0:45 Section 1 Preview 0:57 Section 1 Breakdown 1:41 Section 1 Recap 2:23 Section 1 Practice 3:13 Section 2 Preview 3:28 Section 2 Breakdown 4:46 Section 2 Recap 5:13 Section 2 Practice 6:07 Section 1+2 Recap 6:21 Section 1+2 Practice 7:15 Section 3 Preview 7:28 Section 3 Breakdown 8:25 Section 3 Recap 8:43 Section 3 Practice 9:18 Section 4 Preview 9:28 Section 4 Breakdown 10:14 Section 4 Recap 10:35 Section 4 Practice If you want to learn more TikTok dances, then check out my full playlist of step by step TikTok dance tutorials: Please let me know if you have any requests for future dance tutorials or if there's anything I could improve for future dance tutorials. Also, please like and subscribe if you liked it š I hope you enjoy the video! Let's dance dance dance! - Bao _______________________________________________ *Follow Me* TikTok: @baothedancer Instagram: @baothedancer _______________________________________________ TAGS: #OwnBrandFreestyle #TikTok #Tutorial