Channel: Billster
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: five nights at freddys moviechicafnaf songgamemovieblumhousefnaf game2021freddy fazbearscenetraileranimatronicseriesanimatedfnaf moviefoxyfive nightsvrfnaffive nights at freddys vrclip
Description: Do you want me to create a video for you? Please contact me here: PLEASE NOTE: This is a FAN-MADE conceptual trailer made purely for fun. This is not a real trailer, nor is it intended to be. This was simply made to show how a film could look. I do that by using clips from various productions and transforming them to create something unique. To do that I use visual effects, hire professional voice artists and overlay images. This was not made to fool anyone. It is simply a video for fans to take a glimpse into what a movie could be like. No money was made from this video. Outro music: Ship Wrek & Zookeepers - Ark: Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use, due to the fact that it conceptualizes a non-existing film idea. The video compiles of clips from existing movies to create a new vision and new meaning for a movie. The video displays visual commentary on how a film could look.