Channel: Lewis Watson
Category: Music
Tags: bon iver liveflume liveflume coverflume twitchlewis watson twitchcovertwitch guitarflume acousticbon iver flumegamesbon iver covertwitch musiciantwitch tvtwitchlewis watson covertop twitch failsandroid gamebon iver acousticlewis watson twitch coverlewis watson bon iveracousticbest android gameslewis watsontwitch acousticbest twitch failsbon iver twitchlewis watson acoustictwitch failslewis watson flume
Description: god, will i ever tire of this effect ? probably not soz ! the bon iver classic - 'flume' x come and join us every monday (12-3pm), wednesday (4pm-7pm) and friday (6-9pm) @ ! x broadcasted live on twitch -- watch live at 0:00 start 0:23 let's see if i can get there eh ? new twitch VOD channel where i upload my full livestreams: