Channel: Ross Bugden
Category: Music
Tags: copyrightmoviehappyhqroyaltyorchestralfl studioscoredownloadpianomusicbeatbandapocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction (tv genre)songsoundtrackviolinacousticepicfilmroyalty-freelast of ustrumpetinstrumentalproducerrfgbcinematicdrumsproductionbugdenapocalypticlinkinspiringhanstrailerplaylistzimmersadfreemixsantaollalaemotionalelectricrossdramaticbeatsguitarbattledayzcompilationroyalties2013choirapocalypseleft behindgustavohd
Description: Twitter: Instagram: For commissions/scores: Ethan's Channel: In my opinion this is the best track I’ve done so far, and I absolutely could not have done it without Ethan, who played a lot of the parts, and helped out in the writing process. He’s just started out on YouTube (guitar and vocal covers), and I know for a fact it would make his day if a few of you headed over and subscribed, so PLEASE, do that :) Sorry for yet another long wait everyone, but I really think this one was worth it. This is my first track that is pretty much 100% comprised of real instruments (no plug-ins/samples). It's the proudest I've been of anything so far. I really hope you enjoy it ^_^ IF YOU EVER RECEIVE A CLAIM FOR USING MY FREE MUSIC, DISPUTE IT AND INFORM ME IMMEDIATELY. This track is licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License’. You can find the link to that license here: Basically, you can use this music for absolutely anything, including commercial/monetized projects. No need to get permission. There are only 3 rules: 1) Credit me! In most cases this means posting a link to my channel or the video of the track you used. This takes about 10 seconds to do, while the track you’re using probably took me hours and hours (and hours). Doing this helps me keep the music free :) 2) You may NOT use my music in an audio track that you intend to put into the Content ID system. This will result in false claims given to people who use my music in their videos. These situations are illegal and have resulted in people being banned from networks etc. DON’T DO IT. 3) Subscribe to me! Okay, this one isn’t really mandatory haha. But it takes a lot of work to make this music, and there is no better way to repay me than to join this community! I'm constantly putting out more free music (and it's constantly getting better). Download WAV (huge file, great quality): Download MP3 (small file, good quality): Background Art: Artist: FAQ Q: Can I use this for my project? Should I credit you? How? A: Yup. See the above information. Q: Can I donate? A: Why yes you can, kind dude. PayPal e-mail is (in all seriousness this is hugely appreciated). Q: Will you score my project? A: I am always looking for new scoring opportunities, but as I only have the time to do a few per year, they have to be large scale projects that will push my career forward as a composer. Things like YouTube gaming montages or vlogs are things I am almost never able to do, sorry. Q: What programs do you use? A: I use FL Studio as a DAW. For this track all the instruments were recorded live, so there were no plug-ins :) Q: How do you do that light bar thingy? A: It’s usually called an Audio Spectrum and I make it using After Effects. I typically start with this template ( but it can be done from scratch.