Channel: Dot2Trot's Low Carb Living
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: keto soup recipesketo recipeslow carb gazpachoketo soupcold soupgazpacho verdegreen gazpachodot2trot's low carb livinggaspacholow carb recipeslow carb soupdot2trot's low carb cookingdot2trot ketoketo gazpacholow carb soup recipeslow carb cookingketo cookingdot2trot
Description: If you've never had green gazpacho --- a.k.a. "Gazpacho Verde" --- you're in for a treat. Cool, savory, and slightly creamy, it bursts with flavor with every spoonful. It's also a lot lower in carbs than the tomato-based version most people are used to. 🔗Check out my Amazon store. New stuff all the time! 🖨Printable Recipe: ➡How To Roast Pepper (starts at 2:38): Disclaimer: Some or all links listed on this page are affiliate links for products that I’ll earn a tiny commission on per-sale. The cost to you, if you buy anything, is absolutely nothing.