Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: cssgoogle chrome developerdevelopersflip techniquegds: yesoutputgoogle chromeuiaccessible componenthow to use csshow to solve toastsways to build toastscss tutorialflipwhat is csschromeadam argyleoutput elementadaptive componentpurpose: educategooglepr_pr: chromeseries: gui challengesuser interfacegoogle chrome developerscss gridgui challengeschrome developerchrome developersdevelopertype: screencast (0-10min)
Description: In today's GUI Challenge, @Adam Argyle shares thinking on a way to build a theme switch component. Often a website will allow switching the theme to something other than the system preference and these are thoughts on how to achieve that user experience. Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction 0:30 - Overview 3:10 - Debugging Corner 3:36 - HTML 7:40 - SVG 8:59 - Mask 10:00 - Animations 11:51 - Theme Toggle CSS 15:35 - Sun and Moon CSS 19:37 - JavaScript 23:45 - Recap Resources: Read along → Try a demo → Get the source → Watch more GUI Challenges → Subscribe to Google Chrome Developers → #GUIchallenges #CSS #ChromeDeveloper