Channel: Doug Benson
Category: Comedy
Tags: getting dougjon gabrus comedy bang bangdoug benson stand upgetting doug with highmarijuanacomedy podcastsinterviewscomediancomediansrob cantrell comedianhumordoug bensonstand upweeddoug benson getting doug with highjon gabrusdoug benson podcastrob cantrellgdwhpodcast recordingsrob cantrell comedycannabisvideo podcastmedical cannabisthe high courtcomedy videossuper high mepodcastsdoug benson weed
Description: Rob Cantrell & Jon Gabrus sit down for another episode of Getting Doug with High. Join the 420 Club: SUBSCRIBE to Doug's channel here: Executive Producer: Daniel Kellison Series Producers: Brent Butler, Brett Kushner Segment Producer: Marissa Gallant Editor: Jarred Endres Motion Graphics: Shane Winter Digital Optimization & Distribution: Sam Sero