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Down on JUST the VERBAL CUE - real time training with a puppy

Duration: 03:37Views: 5.2KLikes: 276Date Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: Dog Training by Kikopup

Category: Pets & Animals

Tags: puppy trainingpuppy training down commandpuppy training tipspuppy training videosdog training downdog traininghow to train a dog to respond to commandsdown commandhow to train a puppy to listendowndown cueprofessional puppy trainingpuppy training downdog training commandspositive trainingdog training down commandhow to train a dog to listenprofessional dog trainingonline puppy trainingfree dog trainingpuppy training tutorials

Description: This video is a real time training session with my puppy Cloud learning to respond to just a verbal cue for down. There are many methods for training a dog to respond to just a verbal cue. In this video I go over two methods. One is to repeat the same cue and hand signal multiple times and then see if the dog offers the behavior after just the verbal cue. The other is to get the dog to start offering the down behavior after eating a treat and then add the verbal cue just after the dog has eaten the treat. With the second method you want to add your verbal cue fast and not wait too many training sessions or the dog could learn to lay down when you just sit still or are in that specific room or location as those will become part of the cue. Happy Training! -Emily Larlham AKA Kikopup #dogtraining #puppytraining #downstay

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