Channel: GeeksforGeeks
Category: Education
Tags: algorithmslearn to codedsa geeksforgeeksgeeks summer carnivalgeeks summer carnival geeksforgeekslearn reactfull stack developmentinterview preparationlearn node jsfull stack development jobsplacement helpgeeks summer carnival 2022reactnodejslearn dsasandeep jaincodinggeeksforgeeksbecome full stack developerexamplesdata structures and algorithmsdata structurescoding interviewprogramming
Description: Welcome the days full of games, learning, and infinite excitement found nowhere else. Not just this, we have got the Hottest Discounts to Cool you down this summer ! Guess where? Only at Geek Summer Carnival 2022: Front-end development couldn't get simpler! Learn how to develop industry-ready Single Page Web Applications and APIs using React & Node JS and other concepts like AWS, CI/CD etc. In todays webinar, Utkarsh Malik, Software Engineer at Amazon and mentor at GeeksforGeeks would be talking about Full Stack Development with React & Node JS - Live and giving you insights on it. #coding #react #node #fullstackdevelopment #gsc2022