Channel: AiirSource Military
Category: Education
Tags: military exercisearctic oceansubmarinenavyarctic circlearcticnuclear submarinemilitaryice
Description: U.S. Navy nuclear submarines USS Hartford (SSN 768) and USS Connecticut (SSN 22) surfacing in the Arctic Ocean for Ice Exercise (ICEX). During ICEX, Navy submarines would conduct Arctic transits in which they would surface and break the ice (usually 60-90 cm or 2–3 feet thick), collect data, and run other training exercise to gain experience working in the Arctic. Factual, impartial and current. AiirSource brings you the latest insights from the United States Armed Forces. Visit our channel for in-depth and extended coverage on military events and missions: Stay updated by subscribing to our channel: Facebook: Google+: Twitter: Credit: Darryl Wood | AiirSource Military Channel