Channel: VideoFort
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: how to create augmented realityvirtual realityhyper reality tutorialaugmented reality tutorialafter effects tutorialvideofortvirtual reality scenemax bardmagic bardediting tutorial
Description: In this after effects tutorial I'll show you how to get started when creating a hyper reality world. Augmented reality is starting to become popular as our devices adopt the technology. Now is better than ever to learn how to create little augmented reality short films and scenes. I'll show you the basics of creating a scene in after effects by using the 3D camera tracker tool. This is a very powerful tool that has made 3D tracking a lot easier than it was before. If you haven't seen our tutorial on basic camera tracking we uploaded last week definitely check that out beforehand. Sometimes people mix up virtual reality & augmented reality. This effect would be considered augmented reality as we mix real footage with elements & objects the viewer and interact with in the scene. Let me know in the comments if this hyper reality / augmented reality stuff is of interest to you and I can create more tutorials on this subject. Here is our tutorial on using the 3D Camera Tracker in After Effects: SUBCRIBE to the channel for weekly tutorials: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes: Join the filmmaking community at: • For this tutorial I use Adobe After Effects CC 2017. No plugins are required. KEYS TO SUCCESS: • Use the 3D Camera Tracker in the Effects & Presets to track your scene. • Turn the motion blur on for all your layers if you have shaky footage. • Hold down the Option/ALT key on your keyboard to replace solids with layers or video footage. Please leave a like if this helped you and if you have any questions or want to learn a certain effect please let me know in the comments section and I'll get to it ASAP. Track: Jim Yosef & Anna Yvette - Courage [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Free Download / Stream: