Channel: thenewboston
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Description: Bucky Roberts reviews the basics of using Learn how exchange rates are calculated, how to become a liquidity provider, and more. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction to 1:22 Deposit and activate layer 2 5:14 How to trade tokens 6:45 How to add liquidity to an AMM pool 11:50 How to remove liquidity from an AMM pool 12:52 How to trade on the order books 13:46 How to withdraw from L2 to L1 Prereqs: Have a basic understanding of Ethereum and MetaMask downloaded. Check out thenewboston’s Crypto 101 Series for the basics: Join our community below for all the latest videos and tutorials! Website: TNBC Donations: b6e21072b6ba2eae6f78bc3ade17f6a561fa4582d5494a5120617f2027d38797