Channel: Hubble Space Telescope
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: hubblenasastsciplssciencepublic lecture seriesastronomyspacejwstwomen
Description: Sethanne Howard, Washington Academy of Sciences For more than 4,000 years of written knowledge, women have participated in the great human adventure of science. This historical record demonstrates that science and technology are by no means gender specific. Female creativity and genius fill our technical past, yet their fundamental contributions can be missing from our textbooks and data. The stories of these women not only provide role models for future scientists, but they also strengthen and broaden our ability to respond to today’s challenges. Dr. Howard covers the exciting and enchanting history of women in science and technology — where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. Host: Frank Summers, Space Telescope Science Institute Recorded live on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 More information: