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Python Django Tutorial: Deploying Your Application (Option #2) - Deploy using Heroku

Duration: 53:31Views: 238.5KLikes: 4.3KDate Created: Feb, 2019

Channel: Corey Schafer

Category: Education

Tags: django deployment tutorialcorey schaferpython djangodjango 2.1django deployment herokupython tutorialheroku pythonheroku postgresherokudjango gunicornpython herokuweb developmentpostgresdeploy to herokupythonheroku clidjango 2heroku djangoheroku tutorialdjango herokudeploy djangogunicorndjangodjango deploymentdjango tutorialdjango deploy heroku

Description: In this Python Django Tutorial, we will be learning how to deploy our application to Heroku. Heroku is a platform that abstracts away a lot of the low-level system administration and allows us to easily deploy, update, and rollback changes for our application. Let's get started... Git Install - git-scm.com/downloads Heroku CLI Install - bit.ly/heroku-cli Postgres Install - bit.ly/heroku-postgres My requirements.txt file - bit.ly/django-req-txt-file Git Command-Line Fundamentals - youtu.be/HVsySz-h9r4 Gitignore file (Python) - bit.ly/py-ignore Environment Variables (Windows) - youtu.be/IolxqkL7cD8 Environment Variables (Mac and Linux) - youtu.be/5iWhQWVXosU ✅ Support My Channel Through Patreon: patreon.com/coreyms ✅ Become a Channel Member: youtube.com/channel/UCCezIgC97PvUuR4_gbFUs5g/join ✅ One-Time Contribution Through PayPal: goo.gl/649HFY ✅ Cryptocurrency Donations: Bitcoin Wallet - 3MPH8oY2EAgbLVy7RBMinwcBntggi7qeG3 Ethereum Wallet - 0x151649418616068fB46C3598083817101d3bCD33 Litecoin Wallet - MPvEBY5fxGkmPQgocfJbxP6EmTo5UUXMot ✅ Corey's Public Amazon Wishlist a.co/inIyro1 ✅ Equipment I Use and Books I Recommend: amazon.com/shop/coreyschafer ▶️ You Can Find Me On: My Website - coreyms.com My Second Channel - youtube.com/c/coreymschafer Facebook - facebook.com/CoreyMSchafer Twitter - twitter.com/CoreyMSchafer Instagram - instagram.com/coreymschafer #Python #Django

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