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The worldly life | Al-Hadid 20 | Yasser Al-Dosari | ياسر الدوسري

Duration: 00:59Views: 20KLikes: 1.3KDate Created: Dec, 2021

Channel: AYAT

Category: Education

Tags: allahhadidislamicrevelationsuratسورة الحديدtawheedmakkahquranalhamdulillahالحديدmemorizingالدوسريkoranسورةsubhanallahjahannamsunnahrecitationyasser al-dosarimedinaheavenparadiseallahu akbardossarywordly lifemuslimdeendeathayatinshaallahprophetياسرhellfireislamarabicdosarymakkimemorizeياسر الدوسريimamremindersurat hadidhereafterdosarinew yorkreligionjannahsunnamessengertranslationnycmuhammedgodtransliterationversesmuhammad

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