Channel: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Category: News & Politics
Tags: high schoolpublic health careereducationconcept maphealth equitylesson planepidemiologyhealth outcomesgovernmentmiddle schoolbehavioral scientistreadyaudio descriptionpublic healthcasepreventionrisk factorssocial determinants of healthcdcdiseasenational health edcase studynovel viruscareer spotlightcenters for disease control and preventionriskstem
Description: This instructional video shows educators how to organize their classroom, group students, and prepare and distribute handouts for participation in Module 3: Who is at risk? This video provides a brief overview of the concepts students will learn in this module, including health equity, risk factors, and prevention strategies. The video guides educators through the steps of a learning activity that helps students identify disease risk factors by reviewing case studies and creating a concept map. The video provides suggested timing for the activity and discussion and offers tips for encouraging students to brainstorm and discuss strategies to reduce disease risks. This is Module 3 of an 8-module series in the CDC NERD Academy curriculum: Educating and Inspiring Youth to Explore Public Health, available at