Channel: Shirls
Category: Comedy
Tags: cityfestivalgowascontrolreactshirlgoodshirlslifefestoutreactsandlostofgoodlife festival was out of control! (shirls roasts and reacts goodlife lost city)roast
Description: GOODLIFE FESTIVAL WAS OUT OF CONTROL! (Shirls Roasts and Reacts Goodlife Lost City) Receive a SHOUT OUT at the end of every video and support the channel by donating to the Patreon: - Be sure to join the SHIRLS SQUAD or SHIRLS SUPER! If you want your party roasted or you wish to organise an event with me involved as the host, DM me via Instagram! Hope everyone enjoyed the party! SOCIALS: Instagram: LShirls Snapchat: LShirls9 Facebook: Shirls Twitter: ShirlsYT