Channel: Spanish With Paul
Category: Education
Tags: spanishlearn spanishlearnspanish with paulmini coursecommon spanish verbsacabarspanishwithpaul.comspanish for beginnersbeginnersverbstutorialpaulspanish lessonbeginner spanish lessonclass
Description: Learn powerful, multi-faceted, Spanish verbs to instantly boost your speaking power! The verb "acabar" is a great example of what I mean. By learning the most useful verbs first you can kick start your Spanish and leave everyone else in your dust :-) DOWNLOAD COURSE BOOKS: MINI COURSES: MONDAY LESSON SERIES: Hi everyone, Paul here... Most Spanish courses teach you the same old verbs and that's fine, but there are also verbs we use very often in English that hardly get taught in Spanish at all... and that's a problem. In today's lesson I'll give you an example of a powerful, multi-faceted, verb which can be used in wide variety of different ways. Watch the video, master the verb and plug it into your Spanish! See you next Monday, Paul