Channel: Chills
Category: Entertainment
Tags: entertainmentscariest videosscary videocaught on videotop 10unexplainable videostop 15chillstop15sscarychills narratorinternet videosfound onlinevideos captured inside churchcountdowncaught on cameralistanalysistop 15sunexplainedmysteryscary videosmysterious videoslistsscary videos captured inside churchtop 5creepyunsolvedreal or fake videos
Description: More than just a place for worship, a church serves as a gathering site for many communities around the world. Often, these holy places have a grave-yard… a more frightful site arguably, when left in nature's lap and the passage of time. Could such churches and grave-yards from around the world — the snapshots of vivid houses of worship in former times — be haunted? Today, I'm here with a list of scary videos captured inside church. These are, in fact, the top 14 scary videos ever captured within the walls of a church. After all, eerie disappearances, frightful incidents, and bone-chilling encounters with the other side have happened inside cathedrals! Despite the fact that most faiths and their pastorate take a dim view of hauntings, there are countless recorded cases of supernatural goings-on in churches. This scary comp contains fourteen such creepy videos. Because inside the hallowed hallways of a church, the wandering shadows of the past still haunt the bleachers, and these scary videos show that! Therefore, to be honest, when I see all the constant and casual dismissal of convincing evidence regarding the presence of ominous entities inside a church, it just goes to strengthen my belief that evil forces can exist even amidst the holiest of places! Their cold-shouldering the issue and rebuttal of evidence prove it. Now, before proceeding with these scary videos captured inside churches, I warn you, these creepy videos are so hair-raising that they will stay with you long after you watch them. The shudders and shivers you will experience going over this list will likely not be worthwhile, especially when you will find that the horror has taken residence in your reality, making it much scarier than your worst nightmares. If you really want to watch something for the night that will scare you witless and are planning on sinking yourself in a sea of horrors, no other list will do a nicer job than this list of creepy videos. These are, hands down, some of the scariest videos you can find, and they will tap into your deepest fears by sowing the seeds of the idea in your psyche that the place you think is the safest, can still lead to frights. Done watching? That's great! Which of these scary videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments! Sources: 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. Karen Furlong Irish Mirror 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Music: Kevin MacLeod ( jdgehlert ( Entry Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:20 Number 14 1:02 Number 13 2:17 Number 12 3:00 Number 11 3:51 Number 10 4:40 Number 9 5:44 Number 8 6:46 Number 7 8:44 Number 6 9:51 Number 5 11:07 Number 4 11:51 Number 3 13:47 Number 2 14:59 Number 1