Channel: Leonardo DeValen
Category: Entertainment
Tags: coupleleonardo and jennataina licciardo toivolafull house tourlicciardo toivola familyhouseminimalistic apartmentminimalweird but genius things that finnish homes havesmall apartmentminimalisticminimalist homeapartment tourfinnish apartment tourdecorationsmall housefinland10couple vlogminimalist decorationleonardo devalenleonardo licciardo toivolahomehome toureuropean apartmenthouse tourwhere they livelicciardo toivolaapartment
Description: FINNISH APARTMENT $550 TOUR - HOUSE TOUR made by Leonardo and Jenna. The house tour is here! Welcome to our small, minimalistic apartment here in Finland! I Leonardo Licciardo-Toivola "Leonardo DeValen" oldest son of (Mom of 10) Taina Licciardo-Toivola and Jenna Licciardo-Toivola "Jenna DeValen" my wife like to keep things minimal in our house. We also share some cool, clever, weird but genius things that Finnish homes have, that you probably don't have in your apartment. This is the 4th and last part of the MOVING SERIES! WE ARE FINALLY MOVING!!! - LEONARDO & JENNA (MOVING PART 1), GETTING READY FOR OUR BIG MOVE! - LEONARDO & JENNA (MOVING PART 2), MINIMIZING OUR (290-Square-Foot) HOME!│WE ARE MOVING OUT TODAY! - LEONARDO AND JENNA (MOVING PART 3), FINNISH APARTMENT $550 TOUR - HOUSE TOUR (Leonardo and Jenna) SUBSCRIBE : ● +ALL MY SOCIAL MEDIA+ ● @LeonardoDeValen 🐦 TWITTER: 📸 INSTAGRAM: 👻 SNAPCHAT: ⏰ TIKTOK: ● +JENNA'S YOUTUBE+ ●