Channel: Clip'wreck
Category: Entertainment
Tags: craftsmenclipwreckcraftsmen compilationfast workersvideo compilationamazingbest ofgood workerspeople are amazingworkersamazing workers compilationstreet vendorsamazing workersultimate failsoddly satisfyingfastest workerssuper employeefail compilationpeople arefastworkerscompilationbest compilations everfastworld fastestfast and skilled workersgod levelfastworkersartisan compilationfactory workersassembly line
Description: AMAZING WORKERS COMPILATION ►► The fastest and most skilled workers from around the web! Fast or slow, these workers and craftsmen are masters at their jobs. Enjoy this compilation of fast workers, street vendors, glass blowers, potters, factory workers, fast hands, and super employees! Majority of content from ►Visit the Clip'wreck Channel to see more awesome, funny, and amazing Compilation Videos! ( Music ►Astronaud Muisc ► ► ► *********************************************************** I am not the creator of this content. I am just a compiler of online content I find enjoyable. For any concerns about content ownership, please contact me at the address listed in the channel description. ***********************************************************