Channel: itsJerian
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite cheatsjerian aimbotsolo cashsmgfortnite chapter 3stingerfortnite aimbotcheatscashfortnitepxmp aimbotpxmp fortnitepxmpniteaimbotteraimboti spectatedjerian aimbottersolo cash cupitsjerian pxmpitsjeriani spectated an aimbotter in the solo cash cupi spectated an aimbotterfortnite pxmpjeriani spectated a hackerpxmp controllerpxmp jerianaimbot fortnitefortitsjerian aimbotspectatedchapter 3itsjerian coachedcheatercup
Description: In this video, I coach and spectate a pro controller in the NA West Solo Cash Cup that is known for his insane aim. The player's name is Elite PXMP, and he has been one of the best performing NA East controller players in Chapter 3. By the way, PXMP does not actually cheat or use a cronus zen. It's more of a meme at this point since he is on controller and has ridiculously good aim, but just keep in mind he is not actually a hacker. So, make sure to drop a like if you want more coaching videos, also drop a like if you have a cronus zen, and check out PXMP down below! PXMP: As always, if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date with my content. If you have any questions regarding the video, the channel, or myself, leave a comment and I will be sure to get back to you. If you want to support me, use creator code "Jerian" in the item shop! When you use my Creator Code or Link on the Epic Games Store, I receive money from those purchases. Song: Chill Piano Drake Type Trap Beat "Monaco" by OZSOUND Artist: My Social Media: Twitch - Second Channel - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram - My Setup: Mouse - Logitech Superlight (White) Mousepad - The Mousepad Company XL Extended (Black) Keyboard - SteelSeries Apex Pro TKL (Actuation: 1) Headset - HyperX Cloud Alphas Monitor - Dell Alienware AW2521H 25β 360Hz Mic - Shure SM7B + FocusRite Scarlett Solo Cam - Sony Alpha a6400 + Elgato Camlink #fortnite #chapter3 #aimbot