Channel: Alexsplanet
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: superhero fightsgamelego simpsonsfk filmslego arcadelego houselegolego simpsons arcadeчеловек-паукdonutstop motionpokemon gohugebricklego toyfunnyfightmotionpokemonlego gameninjagogowararcadefilmlego simpsons gameлего играjokeanimationsimpsonsbattlemarvelstopalexsplanetлегоpikachujokesvslego arcade game
Description: Lego Simpsons Huge Donut Arcade Game is funny Lego Stop Motion Animation with Simpsons, Ninjago and Marvel Iron Man. Nowadays the world is crazy with catching pockemons in pokemon go. And I made a Stop Motion Animation about Lego Fight Arcade Game between Ninjago Lloyd and Marvel Iron man. I suppose it is more interesting than Pokemon Go.