Channel: Film Herald
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: film heraldmovieyt:quality=highreviewfilmthe lobsteranalysisexplanationexplained
Description: "The Lobster" is a 2015 dark comedy which considers the role of relationships in society. This analysis will explore some of the larger themes at work in Yorgos Lanthimos' critically acclaimed 7th film. Note: There is an error at 6:23 which states that "David escapes the forest society which is populated by people who have escaped the hotel". This should read as ""David escapes the hotel and joins the forest society". I apologize for the error and any confusion it may cause. Sources: Sara Thebarges' "5 reasons why it's hard to be single": Bahns, A. et. al (2016) "Similarities in niche construction" -Peer-reviewed article: -Academic Minute article: -Telegraph article: Sheila O'Malley's review: HeyUGuys Rachel Weisz Exclusive Interview: