Channel: Buff Dudes
Category: Entertainment
Tags: batman testrobert pattinsonbatman schedulesuperherobatman challengedark knightnew batmanaction herobatman exercisebatmanbatman superherobatman routinesuperhero routinethe batmanbatman workoutbatman movierobert pattinson batmanbatman lifestylebatman lifebuff dudes
Description: We're wearing TLF. Use our code TLF-BUFF for 15% off at Grab the BUFF DUDES COOKBOOK HERE đ BOOK VERSION: PDF VERSION: đGRAB OUR WORKOUT PLANS: What Would BATMAN's DAILY TRAINING ROUTINE Really Look Like? That's what we put to the test in this video, doing the cardio, workout, mixed martial arts, and acrobatics it'd take Batman to remain physically fit enough to take on Arkham Asylum's finest. And it turns out it's hard, really hard. Here's the rundown: 0:00 - Intro 1:15 - Running 3:51 - Workout 6:00 - Acrobatics 8:03 - Martial Arts Training 9:10 - Crime Fighting Action Hero Academy is a series we've wanted to do for quite some time and we're really proud of how this one turned out. Let us know if you'd like us to tackle any other action hero's daily routine in the future such as Indiana Jones, James Bond, etc. And we hope you enjoy Action Hero Academy Number One: THE BATMAN