Channel: MELOO
Category: Gaming
Tags: qiqiall elemental burstbaalgenshin impact multiplayerzhongliultimate skillsraiden shogungenshin impactcharacter skillsdionaps4genshin impact all charactersgenshin impact skillschildeall characters burstshenhe buildyae mikoall charactersmelootartagliashenheshenhe damagealbedokamisato ayakayunjinall characters ultimatesshenhe dpsyunjin operadilucganyurosariaall classesall ultimatesganyocharacter animationshu taogameplay
Description: Genshin Impact All Characters Alternate Outfits and Costumes on PC #GenshinImpact #Outfits #Genshin Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me. About Meloo: Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels and use different editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a concise & transformative manner rather than full let’s plays. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.