Channel: Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos
Category: Education
Tags: adductor canal contents and boundariesadductor (subsartorial) canalborders of adductor canaladductor canal anatomy lectureadductor canal contents anatomyanatomynmcboundaries of adductor canaladductor canal boundarieshunters canalsubsartorial canal anatomyadductor canal anatomy 3dsubsartorial canaladductor canal contentsadductor canaladductor canal locationadductor canal anatomyanatomy of adductor canalhunter's canalcontents of adductor canal
Description: Join this channel to get access to perks: ππ π¨π₯π₯π¨π° π¨π§ ππ§π¬πππ π«ππ¦ :- The Hunter's canal (subsartorial, adductor canal) The adductor canal, also known as Hunterβs canal or subsartorial canal, is a cone-shaped intermuscular passageway located in the distal two-thirds of the medial aspect of the thigh. This canal, which is approximately 8 to 15 cm long, extends from the apex of the femoral triangle to the adductor hiatus. It serves as a passageway for structures between the anterior thigh and the popliteal region. Borders Proximal border: Apex of femoral triangle Distal border: Adductor hiatus Anterolateral border: Vastus medialis muscle Anteromedial border: Subsartorial fascia Posteromedial border: Adductor longus and magnus muscles Contents The adductor canal contains several neurovascular structures. These structures are the femoral artery, the femoral vein, the descending genicular and muscular branches of the femoral artery and their corresponding venous tributaries, and the saphenous nerve. After passing through the adductor hiatus, the femoral vessels become the popliteal vessels. At this level, the saphenous nerve descends and pierces the fascia lata between the tendons of the sartorius and gracilis muscles, becoming subcutaneous. Adductor Canal Compression Syndrome Adductor Canal Compression Syndrome (ACCS) is a rare clinical condition found in young and physically active individuals, usually males. The syndrome is a direct result of the compression of the neurovasculature of the adductor canal, most commonly the femoral artery. The compression of the neurovascular bundle results from musculotendinous fibrous bands or even hypertrophy of the adductor magnus or vastus medialis muscles. The symptoms include claudication (pain while walking), paresthesia, edema (due to vein compression), or even thrombosis (which may lead to acute limb ischemia). The treatment is usually surgical (decompression). #adductorcanal #Hunterscanal #subsartorialcanal #anatomy