Channel: The Cinema Cartography
Category: Entertainment
Tags: movie71 fragmentsmichael hanekecritiquecinematographylewis michael bondreviewsymbolismvideo essaycinematic truths and realities liescinemalewis bondcode unknown71 fragments of a chronology of chancecachecinema cartographydirectoramourchannel criswellfilmthe white ribbonhappy endanalysisbenny's videothe piano teachercriswellfunny gamesthe seventh continent
Description: Unlock exclusive content, join our mentorship program and support this project on Patreon: For business inquiries: Kind Regards, Mr & Mrs Bond FURTHER READING AND RESEARCH: Price, Brian and Rhodes, John R. On Michael Haneke, 2010 Baudrillard, Jean. Simulcras and Simulations. 1981 Brunette, Peter. Michael Haneke. 2010 The Seventh Continent - Christopher Sharrett The White Ribbon - Daniel Kasman Cache - Steven Shaviro Ambivalence and Displacement in Cache - Mary Caputi Cache and the Secret Image - Kartik Nair Funny Games - Chris Justice "What are you looking at and why?" - Tarja Laine Fun and Games - Daniel Hui What Michael Haneke Owes to Kafka - Peter Bradshaw The New Order: The Method of Madness in the Cinema of Michael Haneke - Oliver Speck Press the CC Button to see a list of the films shown.