Channel: Supercuts Delight
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: baby yodasubtitlessupercuts delightmemebaby yoda but with subtitleseggbest of baby yodababy yoda subtitlesgrogu but with subtitlesbaby yoda memeyodameme compilationbaby yoda but with subtitles 2baby yoda cutethe mandalorian baby yodagrogusupercuts delight baby yodababy yoda eggthe mandalorianbaby yoda with subtitles
Description: A parody of The Mandalorian in which I give Baby Yoda other known as Grogu a personality through subtitles. The entire video is basically a meme and has a lot of creative and funny jokes and humor regarding how Baby Yoda acts, thinks, and what he would say. I made the original. Thank you to my Patrons: Sean Clancy, Brett Karlin, Satya Moturi, Wes Makowski, k4nd17r33, Debbs, Matyáš Přenosil, Lauvelga, The_Henne, Luis Andino, Valarmorgulis, and Subliminal Transformation.