Channel: M-1 Global World
Category: Sports
Tags: mmashock mma knockoutspartanmixed martial artslutabest fightspuncherжесткий нокаутincrívellutadorнокаутtop kokarate knockoutcombattanttop knockoutkämpferlegallottaloucurabrutaleluchafightnocauteknockoutmuay thaiвдвбрутальный нокаутbrutalsergey kharitonovimpressionantekobest kocoolbrutal knockoutbattlesuperдесантникбитваlocuraparathrooperтяжеловесыoli thompsonсергей харитоновboxingfighterлучшие нокаутыcombattenteбой
Description: Sergey Kharitonov fought against Fabio Maldonado just recently, and it left a strange taste in the mouths of the fans. It was interesting start of the fight, but many people were unpleasantly surprised by how it was ended. Maybe PaRus FC promotions has the plans to make the rematch to determine once and for all who is the best fighter. Tonight we are going to watch the first Sergey’s fight in this promotion, it happened on November 7, 2020 in Dubai. It was tough times for Sergey, because he lost by KO at Bellator event one year before that, and after it he participated only in boxing matches. So Russian fighter had the big motivation to get back on winning track. His opponent was very tough too, and very experienced as well. Oli “Spartan” Thompson fought at the UFC, Bellator and KSW events. He fought in pro MMA for 33 times and won in 21 fights. Most of the fights were won by knockouts. #Kharitonov #Knockout #Battle