Channel: Kento Bento
Category: Education
Tags: hot walletbank jobbank heistbusiness cardsus occupationjapan's unit 731cryptocurrency heistheistjapanpost-war tokyocyanide poisoningasian heistunit 731japanese robberybank robberyjapanese heisthackersjapanese banksasian bank heistssadamichi hirasawaheistsonline securityasian banksdeath rowhealth inspectordysenteryjapanese heistsbank heistscryptocurrencyjapanese bank heistscoincheckasian robberyjapanese stories
Description: This is Japan's greatest bank heist. ⭐️ Support us on Patreon: 👕 Get any Kento Bento Merch & receive FREE month of Nebula: (includes my Nebula Exclusive shows) Nebula: Twitter: Business Inquiries: Download Dashlane for free to manage all your passwords: If you then want to upgrade to premium, use the code "KENTOBENTO" for 10% off. Other videos you may like: The Bizarre South Korean Bank Heist: This Is The Greatest Bank Heist in Chinese History: The Incredible Japanese Prison Break: This Is The Greatest Art Heist in Chinese History: The $1,000,000,000 North Korean Bank Heist: How This Lake in Northwest Asia Got Deadlier Than Chernobyl: Music: Epidemic Sound: Channel Description: Animated documentary-style videos on extraordinary Asian events. Credits: Kento Bento — Research, script, narration, music, video editing, motion graphics, art director Charlie Rodriguez — Illustration Isambard Dexter — Research assistant Nina Bento — Cheerleader Video Title: This Is The Greatest Bank Heist in Japanese History "Tokyo. December 10th, 1968. It was pouring rain. The bank manager of the Nihon Trust bank was on edge. Someone had threatened his life and those around him over the past few months. Just four days prior, a letter (one of recent many) was sent to his personal residence demanding 300 million yen or his house would be blown up with dynamite. The letter was made up of characters cut out and pasted from movie magazines. Police were notified, and indeed they kept a close eye on the bank and his home. Though this did not ease the mind of the bank manager who shared his concerns with his branch employees. Now of course, this is Japan, and work is work - the show must go on. With this in mind, the bank manager went on with his duties sending four of his employees to the nearby Toshiba factory to make a scheduled drop. So off they went taking the company car, but not long after leaving the bank the four heard police sirens approaching. At that very moment they happened to be next to a prison of all places. A police officer screeched to a halt in front of the car, and frantically got off his motorcycle to warn them..." Talking Points: - Fake police officer - Dynamite - 1700 ATMs - 7-Elevens - Largest heist team ever - Polite thank you note - Cyanide - Post-war Tokyo - US occupation - Dysentery outbreak - Fake health inspector - Department of Disease Prevention - Business cards - Death row - Sadamichi Hirasawa - Pornographic drawings - Unit 731, a covert biological & chemical warfare research & development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army - Cyber crime - Virtual currency - Coincheck company - Biggest cryptocurrency heist in history - Hackers - NEM - "Hot wallet" - Online security