Channel: Free High-Quality Documentaries
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: preymastersattemptbirdskilldivelakeshuntertrackslowmotionskyriversnaturefootageospreycapturefull hdwaterswimmersqualityfishfree high-quality documentarieseaglehdhawk
Description: Tales of the Avian Hunters brings the viewer to the level and pace of the birds themselves — in the sky, on the water, and even beneath the surface of the lakes and rivers on which they search for prey. This two-part documentary series is replete with incredible nature footage that gives the viewer a front row seat to the birds' attempts to track down and capture their prey. From plovers to ospreys, from herons to hawks, and even including eagles, we follow a variety of birds through the change of seasons on the Korean Peninsula, witnessing up close their unique hunting skills that make them masters of the sky and all they survey. It seems as if nothing — not even fish or other birds — is safe from these adept birds of prey. Part 1, The Birds Who Mastered Water, focuses on these flying hunters where they might seem to be out of their element. Some remain safely above the water, poking their heads in when they spot a fish, while others are capable swimmers and some choose to simply dive on in.