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Occult Objects In Your House Give Demons Legal Ground

Duration: 07:29Views: 1.1MLikes: 27.7KDate Created: Apr, 2017

Channel: Steven Bancarz

Category: Education

Tags: witchcraft demonicoccultoccult objectsastrologynew age debunkednew age is demonicnew age satanicproof of demonsdemonssatanpaganchannelingdemonic attacksoccult sciencemagicktarotnew ageoccult demonicwitchcraftdemons are realwitchcraft is evilchopra debunkedesotericaleister crowleydark occultoccultismpaganismsatanicsatanismhinduism debunkedsorceryburn occult booksnew age bookswitchspiritual warfaresteven bancarzdemonology

Description: Occult objects are tools the Satanic kingdom uses to yoke your consciousness and spirit to false spiritual revelation and demonic principalities. It gives forces of darkness legal ground to operate in your life and to oppress you. In this video, we talk about the power of occult objects and go through a list of objects to burn. Things like tarot cards, magick books, esoteric books, books about channeling, and other such thing can open up doorways to demons of the occult. My new book: amzn.to/2B9aDuk Patreon: patreon.com/reasonsforjesus Donate: paypal.me/ReasonsForJesus Website: reasonsforjesus.com Facebook: facebook.com/ReasonsforJesus Twitter: twitter.com/reasonsforjesus Instagram: instagram.com/reasonsforjesus

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