Channel: WarrenParkwoodLinden
Category: Entertainment
Tags: tvaldo rayjack lordfay spainerskine caldwellmoviesgod's little acremichael landondaniel mannbuddy hackettrobert ryan1958tina louise1933
Description: Select scenes from her performance in the controversial-for-its-time adaptation of the Erksine Caldwell novel 1933 novel. A very entertaining film with a very eclectic cast. She looks stunning here...I wish the producers of "Gilligan's Island" had let her adopt this "look" for her character Ginger Grant! Featuring Tina's recording of "Embraceable You" from her 1957 "It's Time for Tina" LP. ALL MUSIC AND VIDEO COPYRIGHTS OWNED BY THE ORIGINAL PRODUCERS. UPLOADED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY