Channel: ASpec
Category: Gaming
Tags: how toreleaseoriginpleasure seekersselectable traditionsnecroidsbulwarkaspechumanoidslembuddingphototrophictutorialclone armyclone army originoverviewalloysplantoidsreanimatorsreanimated armiesnew tradition treesidylica_spechedonisticnecrophagecraftersidylic bloomtraditions3.1catalytic processingmasterful craftersmercantileradiotrophicgameplay
Description: Head over to Steam for 50% off most Stellaris Content (minus Necroids / Nemesis). Play Stellaris for Free on Steam untill the 20th of September; The 3.1 Lem Patch adds significant changes to the world of Stellaris. However, most of the love went into adding new content to existing expansions. Plantoids, Humanoids, & Necroids have been given additional Traits, Civics and Origins to refresh your Stellaris urges. It's out now, go and play (once you've watched the video ofc.) ASpec's videos are based around the popular Grand Strategy Game; Stellaris as well as other fun science fiction properties. Delve into a galaxy that is both dark and full of secrets. This channel has tons of guide, overviews, musing and other content for you to enjoy in the semi-classic game review format. So stick around, grab a drink. Some of this content was heavily inspired by the likes of TheSpiffingBrit, RimmyDownUnder and GrayPlays. Other content is similar to that what you would find on let's play channels like The Yogscast. This Video was Sponsored by Paradox Interactive Stellaris 3.1 Lem Released! Here are the Major Changes. Twitter ► Discord ► Patreon ► Stellaris Copyright © 2021 Paradox Interactive AB. 00:00 Introduction to 3.1 00:54 Plantoid Traits 07:16 Plantoid Civics 12:55 Humanoid Civics 17:03 Clone Soldier Origin 23:20 Necroid Changes 27:15 Tradition Rework 31:03 Ringworld Rebalancing 33:35 Outro #Stellaris #ASpec #Lem