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Tags: what is upicashless economyabout niplvideo agencyupi payment 2022for indian upi in uaeuae news in hindistudy iqneopayunified oayment interfaceneopay kaise kareupi service in uaeupi global in bhim appupi paymentupi international paymentbhim upi in uae upscbhim upi in uae drishti iasupi payment uaeupi payment newsupi in dubaibhim upi in uaeupi payment indiaupi in uae
Description: Tourists or migrants to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with Indian bank accounts will be able to make UPI payments at shops, retail establishments and other merchants in the gulf nation, thanks to the partnership between the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and the Mashreq Bank’s NEOPAY. It will be mandatory for users to have a bank account in India with UPI enabled on it. The users will also need an application, like BHIM, to make UPI payments. “With the acceptance of BHIM UPI in the UAE, Indian tourists can now make seamless payments through BHIM UPI across NEOPAY enabled shops and merchant stores. This partnership will play a key role in transforming the P2M payment experience for Indian travelers in the UAE. The implementation of BHIM UPI in the UAE is a stepping stone toward providing a major boost to digital payments in the country,” the NPCI International Payments Ltd (NIPL) said in a statement. #NPCI #UPIinUAE #NEOPAY #BHIMUPI #P2M #nationalpaymentscorporationofindia #MashreqBankNEOPAY #currentaffairs2022 #currentaffairs2022january #currentaffairs2022february #currentaffairs2022inenglish #currentaffairs2022inhindi #currentaffairs2022march #currentaffairs2022malayalam #currentaffairs2022today #currentaffairs2022pakistan #currentaffairs2022bygauravsir #currentaffairs2022inkannada #currentaffairs2022upscprelims #currentaffairs2022bangladesh #currentaffairs2022ingujarati #currentaffairs2022mpsc #currentaffairs2022and #currentaffairs2022and2021 #currentaffairs2022andanswers #currentaffairs2022andhrapradesh #currentaffairs2022andgeneralknowledge #currentaffairsand2022 #currentaffairs2022januaryandfebruary #currentaffairs2022scienceandtechnology #currentaffairs2022nationalandinternational #currentaffairs2022jammuandkashmir #currentaffairs2021and2022inenglish #currentaffairs2021and2022inhindi #gkandcurrentaffairs2022 #awardandhonourcurrentaffairs2022 #artandculturecurrentaffairs2022#upscias #upsciashindi #upsciasformfillup2022 #upsciassyllabus #upsciasinterview #upsciasstatus #upsciasfirojalam #upsciasprelimsquestionpaper2021 #upsciasmotivationalvideo #upsciassyllabus2022 #upsciasmotivation #upsciasinterviewinhindi #upsciassyllabus2021inhindi #upsciasrank1interview #upsciasformfilling2022lastdate #upsciasand #upsciasandips #upsciasandifssyllabus #upsciasandifs #upsciasandipssyllabus #upsciasandifsdifference #upsciasandies2022 #upsciasandifs2022 #upscandiasinterview #upscandias #upscandiasfullform #upscandiasdifference #upsciasinhindi #upsciasintamil #upsciassalaryandperks