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Reacting To My EX-BOYFRIEND'S New GIRLFRIEND...**EMOTIONAL**💔😭| ft. Gavin Magnus & Walker Bryant

Duration: 14:28Views: 3.3MLikes: 119.3KDate Created: Nov, 2020

Channel: Sophie Fergi

Category: Entertainment

Tags: datesophie and jentzenfriendshipchallengesbest friendspranksnew girlfriendreactingreactgavin sophieex-boyfriendrumorsawyer sharbinocrushdiysophie fergi youtubevlogginggavindatingrelationshipreacting to my exfunnymagnuscomedyemotionalbryantjophiejentzen and sophiewalkeryoutube sophie fergifriendslifestylereacting to my ex-boyfriendmy crushextruthpiper rockellejentzen ramirezfergichallengevlogsophie fergilev cameronsophie

Description: Hey guys, Sophie Fergi here, and today I am reacting to my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. Today, I decided to sit down with my best friends, Gavin Magnus & Walker Bryant, and answer your questions from instagram about my crushes, my ex-boyfriend, and squad drama, and it was really emotional...I know there have been a lot of rumors about the squads and it's finally time to reveal the truth about whats happening. Do you think I was shocked? What do you my best friends think about my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend? Stay tuned to find out! Love you guys! #react #ex #boyfriend Subscribe: bit.ly/SubSophieFergi Watch the newest videos:youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdSTaLaiuWVBeBIYyUvIQAIMHN4LhNbaE&playnext=1&index=2 Follow Sophie Fergi Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCcJR4u1Xyadz6Z4wTQy3Gkg Instagram: instagram.com/sophiefergi Instagram: instagram.com/sophiefergishorts/?hl=en Twitter: twitter.com/FergiSophie TikTok: tiktok.com/@soph1efergi Watch more videos! Challenges: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdSTaLaiuWVDjiYPVqFYpxDwI3oBgG-MW&playnext=1 Collabs: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdSTaLaiuWVBnrik5GCLQsrV7AnGylf85&playnext=1 Pranks: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdSTaLaiuWVA-miSQUmnkDj7C5M0zEkrE&playnext=1 Most Popular: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdSTaLaiuWVALiyobxLkewyxRyGnMi5-A&playnext=1 👌 FOLLOW THE SQUAD 👌 Gavin Magnus IG: instagram.com/gavinmagnus YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCsDUx3IrrXQI0CbfKMxTCww Jakob Magnus IG: instagram.com/jakob_magnus YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLQw7CObGeJ9j3AR1Ka3x7A Sarah Dorothy Little IG: instagram.com/sarahdorothylittle YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UClt1lyMtjsBoFxSp1AX487Q Aidan Prince IG: instagram.com/aidanprinceofficial YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCUVVQqRje8EV_xg6VFb43pw Parker Pannell IG: instagram.com/parkerpannell YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCUUraY_PpDUWYRmCgftEDpw Lexi Giacobbe IG: instagram.com/lexi.giacobbe DeLijah McAlpin IG: instagram.com/delijahmcalpin Brooklyn Queen IG: instagram.com/brooklynqueen03 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLAu1llKtsTNzhZ9QP7Tr-A Sicily Rose IG: instagram.com/sicily.rose Paesha Poe IG: instagram.com/paesha_poe Ryker Baloun YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCjjx0_7ai5x2MYgc0ZH8GHw IG: instagram.com/ryker_baloun_official Solomon Berg IG: instagram.com/soloflow7 YouTube: youtube.com/user/TheFreeRunning3 About Sophie Fergi Hey guys it’s me Sophie Fergi. I do several funny videos on this channel with my best friends. Here you can see what my life is like in a whole different perspective. I do crazy challenges, funny reactions, last to challenges, crush, and boyfriend videos, fashion hauls, make up diys and many more. I'm so thankful for everyone who subscribes! Make sure you subscribe so you can see us do several challenges, pranks and day in the life vlogs together. 🎥EDITING AND MUSIC🎥 Adam: instagram.com/adamtrimmer Heather: instagram.com/just_heather_323

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