Channel: Sheldrick Trust
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: rhinoelephant conservationwild elephantskenyaelephant rescueelephant adoptionanimal shelterbaby elephantselephantspoachingafricasheldrick wildlife trustanimal orphansanti-poachingafrican elephantswild rhinosnairobicute animalsanimal adoptionsave elephantselephant protectionadopt an elephantanimal rescueelephant sanctuaryelephant orphanagerhino rescuedaphne sheldrick
Description: We received the call on the afternoon of 24th November 2021, as Tsavo was in the grips of a brutal dry season. Taita Sanctuary scouts had spotted yet another victim of the unsparing conditions, a year-old elephant whose reason for being alone remains a mystery, but calves are often the first to fall by the wayside in drought years, growing too weak to keep up with the herd as they search for browse to sustain them. Our SWT/KWS Ziwani Anti-Poaching team subsequently monitored the Sagateisa area in the Taita ranches, where they found a desperately thin elephant. To make matters worse, she had been attacked by an opportunistic predator, most likely a hyena, which had mauled her rear end. Read the full story and consider supporting Sagateisa's ongoing care at: Established in 1977, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) operates the world’s most successful orphan elephant rescue and rehabilitation program, rescuing and hand-rearing orphaned elephants and other animals that have lost their mothers, all too often as a result of human activity. But we do much more than this. Through our Aerial, Anti-Poaching and Mobile Veterinary Units, we safeguard the natural environment and provide immediate assistance to wild animals in need. We also secure irreplaceable wilderness areas so that animals will always have space to roam and work with local partners and communities to ensure people and wildlife can live alongside one another. More Information about the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust can be found on the website ▶ Adopt an Orphan in need ▶ Facebook ▶ Twitter ▶ Instagram ▶