Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Category: Comedy
Tags: matthiasfunny videoscandyhi5 studioscomedyamazon primefreeze dried skittlesfrozenfreeze dried foodfreeze dried candyskittlesdopeamazonfrozen candydope or nopejokesfunnyfreeze dried
Description: Spellbound+ ➡ REDDIT ➡ Welcome back to another episode of Dope or Nope, and today we are taking a look at a bunch of strange, but interesting, freeze-dried snacks! We look at everything from freeze-dried pizza, all the way to freeze-dried gummy worms! There were a lot of good, and a lot of bad, so make sure you let us know what caught your eye the most in the comments down below! TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ PO Box ➡ 24307 Magic Mountain Pkwy #617, Valenica, CA 91355 Check out some other channels we have at Hi5 Studios The Exec ➡ Project 863 ➡