Channel: MotoManTV
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: porsche2022 audi e tron gtmercedes amg eqsteslaporsche taycan turbo saudi e-tron gtporsche taycan turbotesla model selectric cartesla model s plaidaudie tron gt rsaudi e tronelectric vehiclemotoman2022 audi e tron gt reviewtaycanporsche taycanaudi e-tron gt rsaudi e-tron2022 audi e-tron gt reviewmotomantve-tron gt rsmercedes eqsevaudi e-tron gt reviewaudi e tron gtaudi e tron gt reviewaudi e tron gt rsporsche taycan 4s
Description: Very late to the party, MotoMan drives the 522 HP Audi e-tron GT. Yes, the obvious is that this Audi e tron is heavily based on the Porsche Taycan. What was unexpected is how different the Audi e-tron GT is from its closest competitor that gave it life: The Porsche Taycan Turbo. #Audi #Audietron #AudietronGT #etronGT Subscribe AND CLICK NOTIFICATIONS now to experience our adventures in the car world. Want to see something similar to this? Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo FIRST DRIVE REVIEW @ - or - Mercedes AMG EQS FIRST DRIVE REVIEW @ Check out our Audi playlist: Want to support our work? Easiest way to do that is to click ‘LIKE’ and we would greatly appreciate you guys sharing these episodes with your friends and tagging us on all your socials: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram – MotoMan. Storyteller of Transport, Travel & Inspired People MUSIC courtesy of the Kevin MacLeod/, Michael Bliss, Evan Schaeffer - & Jahzzar