Channel: ExoticCarspotters
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: novitec 488v8svj roadsterfinovitec 488 gtbdecatturbosoundhypercarslamborghiniacceleratingcatlessbmwmonacoakrapovicaventadoracceleration488 gtbsportscarsv12supercars acceleratingn-largo f12exoticlexusipeloud600lt spidercapristolfamclarenm3mc20exhaustlexus lfa tokyo editionlexus lfaferrariaccelerationslfa tokyo editionaventador svj roadstercarsn-largoarmytrixsupercarsaventador svjnovitec f12mclaren 600ltm3 f80stage 3 m3
Description: Last weekend we went to 's-Gravenzande in The Netherlands for the Bakkies & Bolides meeting which was organized by DriveLife. It's similar to a cars & coffee where cars from all classes were welcome. In this video you can see most of the participating cars arriving at the event with a great acceleration, enjoy! ****************************************** WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: ****************************************** Thank you for watching our video. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel. More videos coming up ! #Supercars #Accelerating #DriveLife