Channel: Scamboli Reviews
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: scamboli reviewsanime reviewscambolirelife reviewreliferelife animesatireanime
Description: Go to or use code scamboli to get a 2-year plan plus 4 additional months with a huge discount. Thanks to NordVPN for sponsoring this video. Second Channel: ✦Discord: - - - - - - Relife is an anime that was actually based on a Japanese webtoon. You weren't expecting that, huh? It also has a live-action film, but I tend to believe that live action is cringe and stupid so we're just talking about the anime here. It's also apparently considered, "Seinen" which I thought was interesting. The Anime has an 8 on myanimelist and sits at like 130 in popularity, so it's safe to say a lot of people are super in to this show. I started with the webtoon a year ago and decided to make a relife review because I'm out of things to talk about this week. -scamboli reviews signing off