Channel: sumiiitup
Category: Comedy
Tags: prankgolden state warriorsespnundisputedlakerslakers nationloyal vs bandwagonsexposing bandwagonslakers bandwagonsjalen and jacobylebron anthony davishouston rocketsla lakersare you even a fan lakerslos angeles lakersraidersare you even a fanlebronstephen a smithsumiiitupanthony davisnbabrooklyn netskawhikostas antetokounmpo lakersfirst take todaylos angeles clipperslakers bandwagon fansclippers bandwagonslebron jameskuzma
Description: Los Angeles Lakers Bandwagons! LeBron, Anthony Davis, DeMarcus Cousins, Danny Green, Kyle Kuzma. This squad is stacked and the city of Los Angeles is filled with new fans and funny reactions. Will be posting a lot of Los Angeles Lakers and Clippers episodes this season! Can't wait for the season to start, let me know who you're rooting for in the comments below! If you're new (or not), but before you ask, yes, I'm still a Golden State Warriors fan, and always will be :) Dub Nation for life. ► Road to 100,000 Subscribers! Sponsors: ► Aporro Jewelry: Get $10 off by using promo code: sumiiitup10 ► Check out CHISELL and train your jaw: ► Lone Wolf Brain Booster Supplement: Socials: ► Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat: @sumiiitup #AYEAF #AreYouEvenAFan #Lakers #Clippers #NBA #LosAngeles Very excited for this next year of 'Are You Even a Fan' episodes. SO many great teams and lots of change. Will also be posting different content too but the 'Loyal vs Bandwagons' series will keep coming, don't worry! Let me know which teams you want me to do next! Thinking of doing some MLB and NFL episodes too so comment me suggestions! Until next time, hopefully soon. If you're reading this, comment: "DROP THE ANDRE GREEN MERCH!"