Channel: yaymath
Category: Education
Tags: infinite geometric seriessat mathalgebracalculusproof by mathematical inductiongeometric sequencesact mathbinomial theorem formularecursion and iterationthe binomial theoremsigmasequences as functionsprecalculusbinomial expansiongeometric serieschapter 10proof by inductiongeometric sumsarithmetic seriessigma notationcombinationsarithmetic sequencessequences and seriesalgebra 2math analysismath videospascal's triangle
Description: Why are students always like, "PROOFS?? NO!!!!!" It's funny, the system has hijacked them from us well-intended educators. Time to take them back. In this case, we prove equations true by mathematical induction. That basically means, "if the next item in the list fits, then the rule that makes the list must be true." You'll see what that means, YAY MATH! Learning should always be fun and connective. Please visit for: • all videos • free quizzes • free worksheets • debut book on how to connect with and inspire students • all-in-one math courses that teachers and parents can use, backed by Yay Math energy