Channel: M-1 Global World
Category: Sports
Tags: shock mma knockoutmixed martial artslutabest fightsincrívellutadorcombatienteнокаутkarate knockoutfightersassommertop knockoutknockearlegalbrutaleatamankampfnocautebest koрафаэль физиевlocuraboxingлучшие нокаутыcombattenteбойmmawahnsinnpuncherжесткий нокаутtop kofiziev ufccombattantkämpferlottaloucuraluchafightknockoutmuay thaiбрутальный нокаутrafael fizievbrutalkobrutal knockoutbattleбитваufcfiziev knockoutfighter
Description: The video was created based on the materials of the Phuket Top Team YouTube channel Rafael Fiziev is a real striking style phenomenon, which is now very successfully conquering the UFC Octagon. Very soon, a new test awaits him in the person of the most experienced Rafael dos Anjos. Well, today we will see the previously promised video about the furious knockouts performed by Ataman at Thai boxing tournaments. In this discipline, he achieved very significant success. He became the champion of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in Thai boxing, three times got into the prize-winners of the world championship, became the world champion and intercontinental champion. Most of this video is taken from the official channel of the Tiger Muay Thai team, in which Rafael trains and the link to which will be in the description. Well, at the end of the video, you will find an incendiary battle with a Thai fighter who decided to tempt fate by bullying Rafael during the battle. How it all ended, you will find out when you watch the entire video. And there will be something to look at. Fasten your seat belts and we'll begin. #Knockout #Fiziyev #Fights