Channel: Alice Creates
Category: Entertainment
Tags: enredadoscrossovertangled frozenelsa has a daughterfrozen 2 full moviepixarfrozen2rapunzel storyprincesas disneyelsa after frozen 2rapunzel in frozendisney movieswalt disneytangled 2rapunzel has a daughterdisney tangledtangled full movieprincesselsadisney plusspeedpaintrapunzelrapunzel and elsadisney princessalice createsfrozenalice editstangleddisneyelsa and rapunzelfrozen 2frozen tangledfrozen 3tangled the series
Description: Frozen 2 and Tangled - Elsa visits Rapunzel and their children play together with Pascal and Bruni. Hi everyone^___^ Wow, this speedpaint of Rapunzel and Elsa has been underway for a long time! Thank you so much to Jevaroo for coming up with the idea^^! So, after Rapunzel and Eugene visit Arendelle for Elsa's coronation in Disney Frozen, all the Disney Princesses keep in touch, writing letters back and forth between the two kingdoms, and once in a while, Rapunzel goes to see Anna and Elsa and the other way around :) When Elsa is getting married, Rapunzel from Tangled is invited, and I bet she in turn were in the background congratulating Anna, when she became queen in Frozen 2! And even though Rapunzel had her daughter way before Elsa, they still play together and have fun :D A lot of signs also show that the Disney Princesses could be family, even cousins! What do you think? Are Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel family or are Frozen and Tangled connected in another way? By the way - Rapunzel has her golden hair from the Tangled full movie in my Rapunzel story because I prefer that look the most^___^ I know she eventually got her brown hair back in Tangled the Series. I just pretend that it didnt happen lol xD I really hope we will get a Tangled 2 movie some day though :) For more Frozen 2 edits like this, please check out this Frozen playlist: If you want to watch edits with Disney Tangled and other Disney Princesses, click here^___^: If you have any ideas for other Frozen2 edits, please let me know in the comments below. It can be from the new frozen 2 full movie, Frozen 2 clips, or just a general idea about one of the characters, like Kristoff, Anna, Olaf or Elsa. I often create Happy Ever Afters or like a transformation - especially of Elsa ^___^ I prefer the setting to be after Frozen 2, to kinda continue the amazing Disney story, but feel free to give any suggestion, no matter how crazy. ^___^ I also do Disney Princess and Pixar edits in general and besides Frozen 2, I will probably also start doing Frozen 3 edits xD I hope you have an amazing, magical day :) I used Adobe Photoshop and my beloved Wacom Intous tablet to create this Walt Disney edit^^ The Alice Edits are made for Youtube only, so please dont repost my art. Music: Track 1: (intro)TheFatRat & Anna Yvette & Laura Brehm - Chosen Watch: TheFatRat: Follow @Anna Yvette Follow @LauraBrehm Track 2: Bassfolk - Whiskey Song provided by TheArcadium Link to song: The Arcadium: Bassfolk: Track 3: TheFatRat & Maisy Kay - The Storm Link to song: TheFatRat's channel: Maisy Kay's channel: Track 4 and 5: TheFatRat - Monody - and - Rise Up - Link to Monody: Link to Rise Up: TheFatRat's channel: Track 6: James Landino & Slyleaf - Searching Song provided by The Arcadium Link to song: James Landino's channel: Slyleaf's channel: The Arcadium: On Alice Creates, you get new Disney edits and transformations based on Disney movies and Disney Channel every week ^___^ And you get to see the entire speedpaint process from start to finish each time! Im huge a Disney fan, so you can expect edits from all over the Walt Disney and Disney plus universe - especially edits which revolve around each Disney Princess^^ :) #Disney #Frozen2 #Tangled